How To Create An Effective SEO Strategy With Our Calgary Website Design Services

How To Create An Effective SEO Strategy With Our Calgary Website Design Services

Creating a website for your business is just the first step in developing an effective online presence; optimizing it for search engine visibility is another key factor. What separates us from other organizations is that we leverage machine learning, recommendation engines and GPT3 to influence Google rankings and drive traffic/conversions.

Here’s What You Should Understand About SEO And How To Create An Effective Strategy With Your Company’s Website Design:

Analyse Your Market

Before creating any SEO strategies, you must analyze your market – ask yourself questions such as who are your potential customers and what keywords do they use when searching for products or services? You can also use keyword tools such as Google AdWords to look up popular terms related to your industry.

Optimise Content

Once you know who your target audience is and what keywords they use, you can adapt this knowledge into optimizing content on the website - make sure that all text content is written using relevant keywords throughout and use headings, subheadings and alt-tags on images to further emphasize important topics.

Make URLs User-Friendly

Ensure that the URLs of each webpage contain relevant keywords and are easy to read by humans - this will help search engine crawlers better understand and index them too. Additionally, focus on making navigation user-friendly as this can lead to higher engagement and longer visits – both of which can help boost SEO signals effectively.

Utilise Backlinks

Links from other websites direct back to yours are essential for good SEO performance; try guest blogging & social media outreach for finding these links which will enhance the authority of the domain over time. Also, remember that quality matters more than quantity when it comes to obtaining backlinks – focus on building relationships with relevant sources rather than spamming as many links as possible.

Creating an effective SEO strategy takes careful planning & consideration; armed with these tips, however, businesses operating in Calgary should be well equipped with everything needed to optimize their website like a pro!

Click here to book a free consultation.  We’re happy to take the time to walk you through your options and best practices.  We look forward to speaking with you.



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