Don't Raise Your Voice, Improve Your Arguement

What is anger? What is yelling? It is an expression of frustration resulting from a lack of control over a situation. Like everything else, leadership is a process involving growth and evolution. Correct and continue. Here is my story...

Don't Raise Your Voice, Improve Your Arguement.

A couple of weeks ago, I yelled at someone in my camp for a bunch of unacceptable "oversights." I hurt his feelings.  He quit.
He made sure to express his displeasure to everyone in the company, walking out the door.  (Just the part about me yelling. Not the part about all the things that fell through the cracks on his watch.) No problem.
When he resigned I told him that if somebody spoke to me the way I spoke to him, I would have quit too.  The difference is, I wouldn't give anyone the opportunity to speak to me that way.   I told him that I was sorry for how I said it to him, but not for what I said.

One of my clients told me a couple days ago that the reason we are entrepreneurs and business owners, is because we have the power to "create" This includes creating our environment, culture and pool of talent.
I was wrong for yelling.

My problem was (and always has been) that I think from my heart (instead of my head) and elongate expired business relationships unnecessarily.   I think about people's life circumstances and the impact losing their jobs will have, especially in this economic environment.  Unfortunately, in the long term, this sterilizes good will, personal relationships and our client's experience.  I am also completely intolerant of under-delivering to my clients.  They put a lot of faith in me.  That is something I take VERY seriously.

What I feel will really help me grow as a leader

I've walked away from this experience and a couple of really good conversations that I feel will really help me grow as a leader.  I wanted to share these points with you and hope they help you as they have now helped me:
  1. Outline your expectations. Put them on paper.  
  2. Power and responsibility should be earned, not inherited.  
  3. Drive your business, don't let it drive you.  
  4. If you feel frustrated enough to yell at somebody on your staff, there is a good chance the relationship may have run its course. You probably didn't do a sufficient job of 1-3. 
  5. Hire slowly, and fire quickly. If it's not a good fit, it's not fair to the employee or the company to drag out the inevitable. 
  6. Control your emotions and your opinion. You can't control how others perform or behave, but you can control your own actions. 
  7. You can't control how you feel, but you can control how you act.  
  8. Most importantly, we will be investing more in our existing team's success, training, and empowerment. You've treated this company like it's your own. You are our people.    

StyleLabs is growing. Really, really fast. Our clients need us to be on our "A" game all the time.  They count on us.  Depend on us.  

A Company Is Only As Strong As The People In It

But a company is only as strong as the people in it. My commitment to everyone connected in any way with StyleLabs is that over the next eight weeks

  • There will be a drastic spike in client experience and innovation.  A new product, available to every client FOR FREE will supercharge their already incredible campaigns.  
  • We're already hitting the mark.  Now we're going to smash it.  
  • With the help of my leadership team, we will be engraining the fundamentals of a meritocratic culture. The right people will fill the right seats.  
  • We will be introducing some big players to our group, including a senior app developer, a wearables expert, an editor from a major newspaper and a social media expert with recognized success in digital community and brand building.  I am particularly excited about bringing on a second powerhouse to our sales and customer experience group.  He is a very good friend of mine and I have the HIGHEST regard for his skills, drive, and abilities.  
  • We will be expanding to two new markets - one in Western Canada and one in the Eastern United States.
  • We will be introducing a new SEO algorithm which will be the best in our industry.  

For those that have been part of our journey thus far, I thank you for your confidence, hard work, and faith in our vision.  For those jumping on, hold on tight.   

It's game time.

Almin Kassamali, StyleLabs Inc.
Founder, Director


You won't be hiring just a web designer to build a website nor hire a marketer to build your digital presence - You will have both and much more! What makes us different is that we are Entrepreneurs that specialize in marketing and technology.

There's a certain amount of maturity and experience you need in order to build a functioning ecosystem. You need someone who's been there, who's failed, rebounded, and succeeded. You need someone who understands where the blind spots are and how to mitigate them. Could StyleLabs be a good fit? Only one way to find out - contact us below, book a FREE Consultation, or call us at 1-587-880-3358.

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